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Jul 13, 2023

Top 3 tips to get product feedback from your Discord community

Powerful and effective ways for Discord community managers to encourage and act on user feedback.

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A thriving Discord community is a valuable resource for Web3 moderators and marketers. They can grow a loyal base of consumers as well as enhance awareness and credibility.

Effective community management has several advantages.

  • It creates seamless dialogue conversations between brands and users.
  • It leads to faster consumer service and problem-solving.
  • It is a source of leads that can be turned into new users.
  • It leads to data-based insights for future products, features, and strategies.

Community feedback is essential to enable the above. Moderators need a proper plan to derive actionable measures from qualitative data and feedback they get from their community. This allows the community to feel heard and engaged.

Also read, Boost community engagement on discord | Strategies & tips

Here are 3 powerful ways to do this.

1. Create A Channel for Highly Engaged Users

Every community has different types of users. Some participate regularly in conversations and events. Others do so once in a while. Yet others are happy to simply observe.

Moderators should identify highly engaged users, as they are the ones who are willing and excited to try, test and give exhaustive feedback. A tool like Blaze helps to segment such users based on their server activity.

With Blaze, moderators can easily identify and reward top users. A handy dashboard provides metrics of engagement and transactions.

These users can be asked to provide product feedback on various issues. Some examples are checking new features or taking beta versions for a test drive.

The best way to keep tabs on such feedback is to set up a separate and private channel. Otherwise, messages can easily be missed if they are mixed up with other conversations.

The private channel also makes engaged users feel more privileged. It becomes a source of rich feedback on the server.

Also read, Steps to reactivate a Discord community

2. Automatically Flag Bugs and Issues

In a Discord community, feedback is a two-way street. Consumers who are happy to give feedback should feel that it is being acknowledged. Otherwise, their responses will dry up.

Effective community management also means spotting and fixing bugs and issues flagged by users. These could be forms of unintended behavior that diminish user experience. For example, lags, crashes, or confusing server rules.

Moderators can use an analytics tool to automatically discover these issues using pre-defined tags to search user messages. With Blaze, they can map user journeys from the first touch to a transaction. Friction points can be identified and taken care of.

3. Track and Manage Sentiments

User sentiments are also a form of feedback. They reveal what users think of the community over time, and how engaged they are.

With a sentiment analysis tool, moderators can easily track sentiments. Blaze has AI-powered topic detection and word clouds that automatically extract product feedback. Positive, negative, and neutral sentiments are reported over time.

This analysis lets moderators know if they are on the right track. Trends can be spotted and course corrections made.

For more information on how Blaze can measure community impact and engage users, register now.


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