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Jul 13, 2023

Twitter Spaces: How Audio Chat Rooms Are Changing The Social Media Landscape

Introducing Twitter Spaces, a new audio chat feature to elevate your social media presence. Read more in this blog!

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Have you considered the benefits of audio chat in your marketing strategy? Social audio is an exciting and innovative way to connect with your followers personally. Ever since Clubhouse launched the audio chat feature, it has quickly become a go-to option for brands to engage with their audience in real-time. 

Thanks to Twitter Spaces, this social media trend has reached a wider audience. As one of the major social media platforms, Twitter is now attracting marketers, tech enthusiasts, and entrepreneurs to explore this new way of engaging and building communities.   

Twitter Spaces is a virtual room where participants can have live audio conversations. When launched, the feature allowed a user with more than 600 followers to launch and host these audio chat rooms, but it can now be created by any user on Twitter for Android and iOS. 

Benefits of Using Twitter Spaces

Twitter Space is a game-changer in the social media landscape. It fosters a sense of community and trust and offers businesses an effective way to promote their products in real-time conversations. 

Here is how marketers can benefit from Twitter Spaces:

  • Engage in live discussions and nurture authentic engagement with your followers. 
  • Invite industry experts to participate in the audio chat room and offer valuable insights to the audience to position your business as a thought leader.
  • Host Q&A sessions, conduct interviews, or launch any virtual event.   
  • Partner with influencers to co-host Spaces to reach a wider audience and engage them better. 
  • Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty by gathering feedback from your followers, providing real-time support, and making data-driven decisions for your brand.  

How to Create and Join Twitter Spaces

Here's how to create and join Twitter Spaces and leverage this powerful tool for your business.

Steps to Create a Space

  • Open your Twitter app and click on the Tweet Composer (+) icon present at the bottom right of your Home timeline. 
  • Select the Spaces icon. 
  • Give a title to your Space and tap on Start your Space.
  • Next, you can invite people to your Space by searching for their names and sharing the joining link. 
  • Once in the Space, you can add up to two co-hosts, control who can speak, mute or remove speakers, or explore other settings to get the desired audio chat room experience. 


Note that Twitter allows a total of 13 people to speak at any given time, including the host and two co-hosts. The Schedule for later option is available to go live at a specific date and time. When creating a Space, you can enable the Record option. It lets you capture your conversation for future reference or create clips of key moments. 

How to Join a Space

You can join a Twitter Live Audio in multiple ways. When a host invites you personally, you can follow the link to join. A host can also share the public link to their Space via a Tweet or Direct Message. If someone you follow on Twitter starts a Space, you will see it at the top of your timeline, highlighted in purple. You can join from there. 


And if you want to browse what's currently live, just click on the Spaces section at the bottom of your screen. You'll find a list of available Spaces to join. As a listener, you can use emojis to react to speaker comments. As Twitter Spaces are public, your presence and activity will be visible to all participants. 

How Twitter Space Stacks Up Against the Competition 

The world of social audio is exploding with activity as Facebook, Spotify, Discord, LinkedIn, Slack, and Reddit all throw their hats into the ring. As the competition heats up, Twitter Spaces has emerged as a powerful contender, offering an accessible and integrated Clubhouse alternative

With Twitter Live Audio, users can easily incorporate hashtags and mention to improve engagement and foster meaningful conversations. Each platform has its unique features and benefits, with Twitter Spaces and Clubhouse standing out for their high-quality audio and diverse user base, while Discord offers more customization and moderation options. Ultimately, the best choice depends on your specific marketing goals. 

Also read, Twitter Spaces: Drive Engagement with Voice Chat


Twitter Spaces offers a refreshing change from the content-first approach that has defined social media for so long. Unlike carefully curated and polished content, Twitter Spaces allow for raw, unfiltered conversations and discussions. Authenticity and transparency can lead to stronger relationships and a more positive social media experience. Businesses should set specific goals for their Twitter Spaces, such as increasing reach, promoting offerings, or establishing thought leadership. Monitor metrics like follower count, engagement, and feedback, to assess outcomes and adjust strategy accordingly.   

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to take your social media presence to the next level. Sign up with Blaze now!


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