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Jul 13, 2023

Top Twitter Accounts For Web3 Developers

Here are the 5 top Twitter accounts every Web3 developer should follow

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Top Twitter Accounts Every Web3 Developer Should Follow

Are you an aspiring Web3 developer looking for top resources and influencers to kickstart your career in the blockchain industry? If your answer is yes, we've got you covered. In this blog, we discuss the top Twitter accounts every Web3 developer should follow.

94% of participants in a survey involving 985 Alchemy developers said they were committed to building Web3. As leading businesses like Facebook and Microsoft embrace Web3, the demand for Web3 developers is bound to rise.

Web3 developers will build the next generation of Internet and social media platforms. An exciting opportunity awaits all developers who want to work on Web3.  

Why Developers Must Follow Popular Web3 Accounts

Web3 is still in its infancy with new trends emerging daily. Aspiring Web3 developers must stay ahead of these trends.

The Web3 industry survives on the internet with platforms like Twitter and Reddit being the hubs of meaningful discussions. Therefore, popular Web3 accounts on these platforms are the best sources to keep up with the latest technologies and emerging trends.

Also read, Top 10 Twitter libraries

How to Select the Top Twitter Accounts for Web3 Developers

Expertise: Expertise in the subject is the first criterion to follow while following a Web3 account on Twitter. It could be the profile of a blockchain solution, a reputed developer, or a Web3 research firm.

Relevance: Crypto Twitter is full of marketers, consultants, developers, and community managers of Web3 firms. Out of all these, which ones are more relevant to your interests?

Engagement and Frequency: Engagement on an account reflects the quality of the content posted on it. Also, the Web3 space operates 24/7. Therefore, you should follow an account that posts frequently and pushes out quality content.

Top Twitter Accounts for Web3 Developers

  1. Ethereum Foundation: There are many reasons to follow the Twitter account of the Ethereum Foundation. It is one of the biggest blockchain networks with nearly 3,000 dApps built on top of it. Ethereum Foundation has 3M+ followers on Twitter and you can get valuable content related to Web3 development on a daily basis.
  2. Developer DAO: Developer DAO is a community of Web3 developers on Twitter. You can access educational content, discuss challenges and ideas with developers and participate in real-life meetups by joining the Developer DAO community. They have 84k+ followers on Twitter.
  3. Web3 University: Web3 University has helped 100,000+ students kickstart their journey in Web3. From the latest resources to expert guidance, you'll find it all at Web3 Academy.
  4. LearnWeb3Dao: LearnWeb3Dao is another popular Twitter account that turns rookies into Web3 developers. You can find endless resources and community interaction opportunities by following them on Twitter.
  5. Buildspace: Buildspace is a popular Web3 Twitter account that helps you learn Web3 development through projects. By joining them, you become a part of a supportive community that helps each other learn and evolve.

Final Word

The internet is the best source to learn Web3 development and platforms like Twitter are right at the top when it comes to connecting with skilled professionals and learning from them. There are many other popular Web3 Twitter accounts that you can follow to hone your skills. If you are looking to build a community of Web3 developers, Blaze can make your life easier by bringing everything under one roof.


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