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Jul 13, 2023

How To Use Twitter As A Customer Support Channel

Elevate your customer support game with Twitter! Our guide reveals the top strategies for boosting satisfaction and building loyalty.

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Over the years, Twitter has become a reliable platform for users to get in touch and interact with the brands they love. Whether customers have a product complaint or positive feedback on services, Twitter is where brands and consumers interact.

The ease of communication and quick turnover times make this app the top choice for businesses looking to offer customer service.

Why is Twitter a Great Customer Service Channel?

Twitter is a great customer service channel because it's an effective way for both brands and customers to stay connected with one another. Twitter can help brands provide direct, and transparent support to their customers. On the other hand, consumers can reach out to brands on this app whenever they need assistance. Here are some top reasons that make Twitter a great customer service channel. 

  1. It can solve customer issues quickly, and with greater efficiency. 
  2. It eliminates the need for brands to set up a call center, which further helps in reducing operating costs. 
  3.  Interactions on Twitter help brands stay up to date with the sentiments and emotions of customers. 
  4. It's a great platform to portray your brand value and mission statement to garner a loyal audience base.

How To Respond To Customer Queries?

  1. Time is your greatest enemy.

When responding to customer queries, it's always better to reply as soon as possible. It's because a customer always wants their issues or queries to be resolved immediately. If businesses can achieve the same, they earn loyal customers who are satisfied with your query resolution.

  1. Train the team well.

When companies set up teams to respond to customer queries, training them well is crucial. The customer service team should know about the general how-tos of the products, and they should be able to resolve queries efficiently. 

  1. Know when to switch the conversation off the platform.

A brand needs to know when it should take the conversation off the platform. This can happen when the topic is sensitive or management methods are ineffective. This way, the public image is still maintained.

How to Handle Complaints on Twitter?

One of the best ways to deal with complaints on Twitter is by trying to understand their issues and addressing them.

If you feel that the customer has a genuine complaint, apologize for the inconvenience caused, and assure them that you will resolve their query as soon as possible. If it will take some time to solve the issue, keep them updated on the process. 

How to Build Customer Loyalty?

Building customer loyalty is essential for running a successful customer service channel on Twitter, but it's not always an easy job to do. Building a loyal customer base takes time, and effort. Make sure that you are transparent with your customers, and provide them with timely services.

Also read, Twitter for Business: Best practices

Final Thoughts

Blaze is an analytics platform that helps web3 and gaming projects understand their users better and determine which growth and product strategies lead to higher engagement and retention. At Blaze, we can help you with analyzing Twitter, Discord, and other social media platforms for Web3 trends, and help you perform better. Sign up with Blaze today.


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