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Jul 13, 2023

Twitter for Business: Best practices

Twitter for Business: 10 Best Practices to Follow

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Twitter has proven to be a useful tool for businesses as a social media platform. Twitter, which has more than 330 million active users, is a way for businesses to connect with their customers and generate quality leads and improve customer engagement. In this article, we'll talk about some of the best things businesses can do to be successful on Twitter.

Why Use Twitter for Business?

Twitter is a powerful platform for businesses looking to build their brand and inspire loyalty among consumers. Here are a few ways in which tweeting can benefit businesses.

  • It provides a way to connect with customers in real time.
  • It's a low-cost method to promote products and services.
  • It can help companies keep up with industry news and trends.
  • It offers an opportunity to showcase a business's personality and brand voice.
  • It can drive traffic to a business's website.

Also read, Top 10 Twitter Automation Tools To Boost Engagement And Productivity

Get your business started with Twitter

To convert your Twitter account to a professional account, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Twitter account.
  2. Click on the three-dot menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
  3. Select "Twitter for Professionals" from the options that appear.
  4. Follow the prompts to provide additional information about your business, including your website and other social media accounts.

Next, add a profile image, header banner, and bio that accurately reflect your brand and what you offer. These elements should be carefully crafted to make a strong first impression.

Top 10 Twitter Practices for Businesses to Follow

1. Keep Tweets Concise

Tweets should be short and to the point. Since each tweet can only have 280 characters, businesses should try to get their message across as clearly as possible. Use simple language and engaging words to capture attention.

2. Use Only 1-2 Hashtags Per Tweet

Hashtags can help people find and interact with your content, but you shouldn't use them all the time. Only use one or two hashtags per tweet to avoid looking like a spam account. Make sure to use hashtags that are relevant to your topic.

3. Include a Clear Call-to-Action

A call-to-action (CTA) tells the audience to do something, like click on a link, share a tweet, or go to the website. Make sure the tweets have a clear call to action that makes sense. For example, when you share a blog post, you could include a call to action (CTA) that encourages people to read the whole post.

4. Avoid Writing in All Caps

Using all capital letters in a tweet is like yelling and can make you look like you don't know what you're doing. Stick to a conversational tone and keep it fun to make sure that  the message gets through.

5. Keep a Conversational Tone

Twitter is a place to have conversations, so tweets should have a conversational tone. Don't use only advertising language. Instead, focus on getting people interested by asking questions, conducting polls, and sharing facts.

6. Consider Using Emojis

Emojis can make tweets more personal and show how you feel. Use them sparingly and make sure they match the tone and message of your brand.

7. Use Media To Stand Out

Media like pictures and videos can help tweets stand out. When using media, avoid images with a lot of text and keep videos short (15 seconds or less). Consider using a 'Website Button' to make an image or video clickable. Videos without sound should have captions or another "sound-off strategy".

8. Track Analytics

It's important to look at Twitter analytics to see how well the tweets are doing. Track engagement, follower growth, and other metrics by using tools like Blaze. This information can be used to change the marketing strategy and make it more efficient.

9. Engage With Followers

Twitter is a two-way street, so it's important to converse with the brand's followers. Respond to tweets, retweet user-generated content, and thank people for talking about your brand. This helps build relationships and shows that the business listens and cares about its audience.

10. Stay Consistent with Posting

To build a strong presence on Twitter, it's important to keep posting. Make a content calendar and schedule tweets in advance to make sure that the brand is always buzzing. This helps spread the word and can lead to more engagement and followers.

Quick Summary

Twitter can help businesses connect with customers and potential customers. By using these best practices, you can make tweets that are interesting and well-liked by your audience. Remember to keep tweets short, limit hashtags, include a clear call to action, avoid all caps, keep a conversational tone, consider using emojis, and use media to stand out. Don't forget to check analytics to optimize the business's goals.

If you're looking for a tool to help track Twitter analytics, sign up with Blaze. Blaze is an analytics platform that helps web3 and gaming projects understand their users better and determine which growth and product strategies lead to higher engagement and retention.


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