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Jul 13, 2023

3 best bots to track Discord server stats

Find the 3 best bots that you can use to track your Discord server stats.

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Marketers and moderators know that they have to use server stats for insights to make the best use of Discord. These reveal where users come from, levels of engagement, and retention rates, among other important metrics.

Moderators can use a bot or other tools to enable this on a useful Discord dashboard. Here is a helpful comparison of three methods: Blaze, Server Insights, and Statbot.


Blaze is a next-gen community CRM and marketing analytics tool. It has a suite of analytics to measure community KPIs, evaluate marketing campaigns, and manage users at scale.

Key features of Blaze

  • Granular retention metrics: Moderators get daily, weekly, and monthly figures of new members during a period. They can see how many members continue to be active in the periods after they join.
  • Daily data: Moderators can track daily data to analyze the real-time impact of events, campaigns and announcements.
  • Channel level breakdowns: Blaze highlights the top channels by activity. It  shows the total message volume in those channels in the last 15 days.
  • Hour and time of day activity with heatmaps: Blaze checks message volumes by time of day. This shows up in a heatmap. Moderators can see at a glance the busiest time of day for server activity.
  • Segmentation and comparison of user groups: Filters can be set to create user segments. These segments indicate newer users and power users. Moderators can compare engagement and response levels for engagement strategies.
  • Sentiment analysis: Every message can be automatically analyzed via a Machine Learning model to predict sentiments. The volume of positive, negative, and neutral messages over time gives indications for future activities.
  • Automated user insights: Blazes uses topic detection, word clouds and trend explorer to show what users are interested in, and how they react to topical issues.
  • Integrations: Blaze offers ways to integrate Discord analytics with Twitter and blockchain data. This is essential for businesses with integrated marketing strategies.


Blaze does not provide backfills on the base plan.

Server Insights

Server Insights is a native Discord tool for servers with at least 500 members. It provides basic tracking metrics of member growth.

Key features of Discord Server Insights

  • Growth and activation: Where new members come from, and retention levels.
  • Engagement: What are members doing, how many are active, and which channels do they use the most?
  • Audience: Where members are from, and how long they have been on the server.


  • It does not offer drill-down data on channels or per-member data.
  • It does not assign roles or display server stats.
  • It does not show status or hourly activity data.


Statbot is a popular Discord bot for member and channel activity data.

Key features of Statbot

  • Metrics access: Moderators can access server stats from the bot, channel counters, or a personalized dashboard. The marketing team can use these stats for engagement insights.
  • Custom analytics: Statbot's channel counters offer a variety of custom counters. These can be clocks, countdowns, active members and most-visited channels, for example.
  • User roles: Moderators can program the bot to automatically assign roles based on user metrics over periods.


  • Segmentation and comparison of user groups.
  • AI-enabled sentiment analysis, topic detection, word clouds and trend explorer.
  • Voice stats.

For more information on the best way to use Discord and other Web3 platforms, register with Blaze.


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