Ticket Tool

Ticket Tool


Streamcord makes it easy to integrate your server with Twitch and create an active community.

Ticket Tool

Build your Twitch community on Discord with Streamcord.
Streamcord makes it easy to integrate your server with Twitch and create an active community.
Stream notifications
You can use Streamcord to keep up with all your favorite streamers. Receive fast and customizable streamer notifications in your Discord server with just a few clicks. Tailor the message's appearance to your preferences with custom text and colors.
Streamcord can send unlimited notifications to your server for up to 25 streamers for free. No exceptions. If you want to set up notifications for more streamers, check out Streamcord Pro (https://streamcord.io/pro) or our Partners program (https://streamcord.io/partners).
Automatic streaming roles
Easily know when members in your server go live. Streamcord can automatically add a special role to people when they start streaming on Twitch and take it away when they stop. You can also configure a custom whitelist to filter specific members.
Easy-to-use dashboard
It's easy to set up Streamcord in your server. Simply add the bot, visit our dashboard (https://dash.streamcord.io/), and configure your notifications and live roles.

/language - Configure Language settings for Streamcord

/help - View basic help and information about Streamcord

/liverole - Commands for Live Role

/user - View details about the specified Twitch User

/notifications - Commands for Steam notifications

Twitter: https://twitter.com/streamcordbot

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Streamcord

Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/streamcordbot

Documentation: https://docs.streamcord.io/