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Jun 8, 2023

Tracking user behavior in the brave new world of Web 3

Learn how marketers can create new bonds with users in a decentralized Web 3 world and how first-party and on-chain data can help.

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Web 3 companies know that a new digital environment will lead to new tracking of user behavior. These new procedures will arise because blockchain is a decentralized means of recording and distributing information.

With Web 3.0, the critical task for marketing managers and growth leaders will be to find new ways to track user behavior. It will help them develop effective strategies to create loyalty and attract users.

In this article, we’ll discuss how first-party and on-chain data can help provide a unified picture of the target user. Then, we’ll turn to how applications can personalize experiences.

Consent for first-party data in Web 3.0

So far, online marketing has relied on cookies to gather information about users. The decentralized model of Web 3.0 means a future without cookies. How can marketers adapt?

Consent is a crucial aspect. Brands need to ask for permission to collect user data. The decentralization of Web 3.0 could lead to a new relationship between the brand and consumer based on trust and mutual understanding. One way is to offer the user something in exchange for consent; this could be a discount, early access to deals, or a cryptocurrency token.

First-party data is not just collected but actively sought after in today's era. With Web 3.0, users will be in charge, and the process will be incentive-driven. There is even a whole new wave of web3 data marketplace where users can opt in to sharing their personal data in return for tokens, like Ocean Protocol.

First-party data collection in Web 3.0

In a new digital universe, users will rely on blockchain, a form of distributed record-keeping technology, and they will have more control over their data. Businesses should think of acquiring data directly from users instead of intermediaries. Blockchain is private and secure, so new levels of trust and transparency can be fostered. Marketers can gain fresh insights by using innovative blockchain tracing systems.

There are also new social media companies that rely on blockchain. These decentralized networks appeal to different segments and could be the future of social media.

How marketers can use on-chain data

In this new web version, on-chain data refers to all the publicly available information about transactions on a specific blockchain network. This data is secure and transparent. Anyone can access it.

Web3 projects need to access real-time on-chain data for valuable information about user activity. This data should be combined with data from platforms like Twitter and Discord for the best results.

A next-gen tool like Blaze uses automated techniques to connect all the dots between these sources of data. With this information, you get a complete picture of user activity, which can turbocharge your community management and marketing efforts.

Web 3 applications for personalization and marketing

Personalization will be a crucial driver of marketing efforts in Web 3.0. Technology will enable the web to be tailored to each user’s needs. For marketers, AI and machine learning will enhance their ability to provide a personalized experience, which can be accessed via real-time targeting.

Blaze can seamlessly unify on-chain, community and social media data from Twitter and Discord. You can segment users based on their past activity on chain or in your community, and deliver users a different product experience or type of communication as a result. Blaze’s analytical tools will help you identify trending topics, track followers and map user journeys.

These initiatives will strengthen a business's customer relationship management efforts.


The way ahead is clear. Marketers must find new ways to connect with users in Web 3.0. Using innovative techniques to track their behavior, they can provide a more personalized experience for increased conversions and loyalty. Contact us for a demo today and learn more about gaining actionable insights in a Web 3.0 world.



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