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Jul 13, 2023

Instagram Hashtags: Boosting Engagement With Strategic Instagram Tagging

Want to learn how Instagram hashtags boost your engagement? Read this blog to learn more!

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Instagram Hashtags: Boosting Engagement With Strategic Instagram Tagging

Instagram hashtags are one of the easiest and most widely used tools to reach your target audience and boost engagement. The impact of using Instagram hashtags depends on how you use them. In this blog, we discuss how to use Instagram hashtags effectively to maximize engagement and meet your business goals.

From how many hashtags you should use to how to find trending hashtags, we answer all your questions in this blog. Before we delve deeper into Instagram tagging, it is important to understand the significance of hashtags.

Understanding the importance of hashtags on Instagram

In order to grow your business organically through social media, your brand must be discoverable by your target audience. Say you are a crypto exchange operating in the US. Crypto investors in the US must be able to find you when they search for relevant services on Instagram.

Hashtags are a combination of letters, numbers, or emojis that categorize your content to make it more discoverable. For example, hashtags like #cryptoinvestment, #buycrypto, etc make it easier for crypto investors to find you on Instagram. Adding a hashtag to a post automatically tags the post. Every time someone clicks on that hashtag, they will see all the posts tagged with your hashtag, including yours.

Every time you add a post to your post, Instagram tagging makes it discoverable, and the chances of your target audience finding you increase substantially. People often follow certain hashtags on Instagram to stay updated about certain topics. If you use such hashtags in your post, they will see your posts even if they are not following you. Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags to your post.

Researching and selecting relevant hashtags for your content: Balancing popularity and specificity

The simplest way to search for hashtags is through the Instagram search tab. Search for the topic of your interest with a '#' and you will see the top hashtags. Since Instagram doesn't offer extended analytics into hashtags, the search tab is a good beginning. However, finding trending Instagram hashtags could be tricky.

You can use Instagram's Explore page to find trending hashtags. The explore section features topics pushed by the Instagram algorithm. You can take a cue from there to find the best-performing keywords that may work for you. You must research best-performing keywords to master Instagram tagging.

Another option is to use the autocomplete feature. Instagram has its own search engine that you can use to find hashtags specific to your brand. The autocomplete feature lets you find trending keywords related to different topics. For example, you can type '#crypto' in the search bar and Insta will display all the relevant hashtags comprising crypto.

While eyeing high-volume and trending hashtags could be a good idea, it is important to use hashtags relevant to your brand to build brand authority. A strong brand authority helps you build recall value among your target audience, which is critical to boosting long-term engagement. Thus, one of the primary goals of Instagram tagging is to boost long-term engagement.

Exploring trending hashtags and leveraging current events or popular themes

Every day, countless hashtags are added and updated to Instagram. With more online businesses leveraging Instagram hashtags to generate leads, it has become increasingly difficult to stay on top. Therefore, you must use trending keywords to rank higher in the explore tab and on the topics relevant to your brand.

While finding trending keywords regularly is a task, here are some evergreen keywords that work like a charm for almost everyone:

  • #love
  • #fashion
  • #art
  • #photography
  • #happy
  • #instagram
  • #cute
  • #tbt
  • #travel
  • #repost
  • #instadaily
  • #me
  • #food
  • #fun
  • #smile
  • #photo
  • #life
  • #makeup

Besides using high-ranking hashtags, you must also make intelligent use of popular events and popular themes. For example, you can use festival-related hashtags like #christmas to benefit from any trending event or topic.

Utilizing niche and industry-specific hashtags to reach a targeted audience

Once you learn how to use hashtags to maximize your reach and boost discoverability. Trending hashtags are nice but they are overcrowded. The only way to beat the competition is by using industry-specific and niche keywords. It helps you divert your efforts toward your target audience, which is your eventual goal.

Niche keywords are more specific and less crowded. Plus, many brands have their own branded keywords. For example, #Nike, #Adidas. You can also create such a keyword and add it to every post to make it a synonym of your brand. The ideal strategy is to use a mix of popular keywords, branded keywords, and niche keywords.

Creating branded hashtags to foster community engagement and user-generated content

As mentioned earlier, branded hashtags are ideal for creating and growing your community. Every time the audience sees a branded hashtag, they will recall your brand name. That's how brand identity is built. You can also engage your audience to create posts and use your branded hashtag in their posts for maximized discoverability.

Also read, Instagram Strategies Unleashed: Pro Tips for Audience Growth

Final Word

Instagram hashtags are a powerful tool to make your brand more discoverable and boost engagement. However, you must use them in the right way to avoid getting lost in the crowd. The best strategy is to use a mix of trending and niche keywords. You must also capitalize on trending events to enhance engagement. You must create a branded hashtag to grow your own community and take the engagement to the next level. Managing various social media channels could be tiring for brands. If you seek a solution that helps you maximize the impact of your efforts, register with Blaze now.


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