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Jul 13, 2023

How to hire a great Community Manager

Hiring a dedicated community manager requires a great strategy. Find some top tips below.

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The extensive use of communities has generated the need for a unique position. A community manager oversees the company's digital presence across different platforms. Hiring for this job requires special attention.

Why do you need a community?

The community enables collaboration and progress. Strong communities are a vital source of social connections. They forge a sense of alliance.

For instance, one can share projects and product updates in communities and receive critical user feedback. This tight feedback loop can be a huge advantage in product development cycles. You can check out more about why community is important in our Why you should build a community blog post here.

Given the importance of community, its management requires significant attention and doing it well is a full time job.

What does a community manager do?

A community manager governs your brand's communities (such as Discord and Telegram). He prepares content schedules and implements marketing and community engagement strategies.

Multi-tasking is an essential skill for a community manager. It needs full-time/dedicated job engagement.

Great community managers also brainstorm campaigns to run, institute rewards systems to drive engagement and leverage data to make decisions

Examples of great communities

Here are three examples of highly effective communities:

  1. Bored Ape Yacht Club: This community is a group of people who own one of the 10,000 Bored Ape NFTs. They are unique digital collectibles dwelling on the Ethereum blockchain. They grant access and benefits to members only.
  2. Midjourney Discord community: This community discovers new mediums of thought. It expands the imaginative powers of individuals. It focuses on artificial intelligence (AI), design, and human infrastructure. The community members use Midjourney technology to create art.
  3. Ethereum Community hub: It is home to designers, developers, technologists, HODLers, and enthusiast users. The community members can attend events and join groups. They can also take part in projects and explore online forums.

All of these communities have dedicated team members managing the communities.

How do I hire a great community manager?

There are a few steps you can follow to hire someone great for this role.

Write a great community manager job description

First of all, a community manager's job description should comprise a list of responsibilities. It should describe the manager's role in communication, PR, events, and content creation.

A detailed job description helps in hiring the ideal candidate. They can then become the front face and voice of the brand, handling all community engagements .

Post the community manager job in relevant channels

You can post community manager jobs on LinkedIn, Facebook groups, and CMX Job Board. You can also announce vacancies on job portals like Indeed, Naukri.com, and Monster.com.

Evaluate candidates through past experiences

Before hiring, track the interactions and knowledge of your candidates on social media. This can be a great proof point of their experience building communities.

Also read, Community growth hacks | How to use analytics to grow your community

How can I make my community manager more effective?

Give your community manager a tool for community analytics and community automation. This will help them identify which community engagement tactics are working, as well as lessen the burden of mundane tasks they need to do.
Blaze is a marketing automation and community tool for Web3 projects. It connects Discord, Twitter, and on-chain data and assists in onboarding users, implementing reward programs and communicating with community members at scale. It also tracks community engagement strategies through analytics.

For more information on Blaze, sign up today.


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