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Jul 18, 2023

Developers React to Twitter API Changes: Insights and Opinions

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Developers React to Twitter API Changes: Insights and Opinions

Twitter has recently changed its API, which developers use to access Twitter data. These changes have impacted third-party applications that rely on Twitter data significantly and have left developers wondering about the future of Twitter’s API.

This article will provide insights and opinions from developers regarding the recent changes to the Twitter API.

Introduction to Twitter API Changes

Twitter API v2 is the latest version for all Twitter developers. It has several new features and improvements over the previous version, v1. The updated API offers more benefits to developers, enabling them to easily incorporate new features and endpoints into their applications as the platform evolves. It caters to the requirements of developers, businesses, and Twitter users by employing a modern and RESTful API design, expanding the range of endpoints and data fields, and incorporating improved security and privacy features.

The Early Access stage now offers initial endpoints that allow developers to monitor and analyze public conversations.

The new pricing model has four API access tiers, which include:

Twitter API pricing.
  1. Free: This tier offers instant and free access to the Twitter API, providing 1,500 Tweets per month and a single App environment (1 App, 1 Project).
  2. Basic: Priced at $100 per month, this tier grants access to up to 50,000 Tweets per month and two App environments.
  3. Pro: Available for $5,000 per month, this tier allows access to up to 1 million Tweets per month and three app IDs.
  4. Enterprise: Starting at $42,000 per month, this tier includes access to 50+ million Tweets monthly and supports three or more apps. Approval of a developer account application is required for this tier.

How did Developers React to the Changes?

Initially, many developers expressed their disappointment with the changes following the announcement. Some developers believed that the new free tier was too restrictive, while others were concerned about the higher pricing of the enterprise tiers. Furthermore, developers voiced their concerns about the need for clearer communication from Twitter regarding these changes.

However, over time, some developers began to see the changes in a more positive light. They found that the new free tier adequately met their needs, and others acknowledged that the enterprise tiers offered good value for the price. Some developers also commended Twitter for being more transparent about its API policies.

What is the Impact on Third-Party Applications?

The changes in the Twitter API have had a mixed impact on third-party applications. Some applications could adapt to the changes without significant issues, while others had to undergo substantial modifications or even cease operations entirely.

One affected application is the Xbox console, which Microsoft has disabled. It allowed users to share screenshots and clips to Twitter directly.

However, due to the Twitter API changes, Xbox can no longer support this functionality, depriving its users of the ability to share screenshots and clips directly to Twitter.

Are there Workarounds and Alternatives?

In addition to adapting, some developers have found workarounds or alternatives to the Twitter API. For example, some have used the Google Search API to get information about Twitter users and Tweets. Others have used third-party services like Tweepy, Rtweet, and Blaze to access Twitter data.

Developer Community Response

The changes to the Twitter API have sparked much discussion among developers because understanding and adapting to these changes is vital to maintaining Twitter presence. However, developers have shown disappointment towards the new Twitter API tiers, stating that the free and basic tiers need to be improved for most developers.

Some developers have created forums and websites to discuss the changes and share tips on adapting. Others have made tools and libraries to help developers use the new Twitter API.

The developer community has also criticized Twitter for how it handled the API changes. Some developers think Twitter needed to give more notice or support to help them transition to the new API.


Twitter's Response and Developer Support

Twitter has addressed developers' concerns by providing more information about the API changes and offering developer support. They've announced the "Developer Labs" program, which allows developers to experiment with new features and functionality. While access to Twitter's API will be limited, this program allows developers to keep building their apps without high costs.

Future Implications of Twitter API Changes

The changes to the Twitter API could greatly affect developers and Twitter-based apps in the following ways:

  1. The new pricing for the Twitter API might make it harder for small developers to afford to create and maintain Twitter apps. This could limit innovation and make it tough for Twitter to compete.
  2. Developers are upset about Twitter charging for access to its data, and this could hurt Twitter's reputation and make it harder to attract talented people in the future.
  3. In the long run, the Twitter API changes could result in fewer Twitter apps, less usage, and less valuable Twitter data. This isn't good for Twitter's future.
  4. The changes could also make it harder for research and projects that rely on Twitter data. This could impact tracking trends, identifying risks, and informing public decisions.
  5. Overall, the Twitter API changes are a significant setback for developers and Twitter-based apps. It's still too early to know the full effects, but they will significantly impact.

Tips and Advice for Developers

If you are a developer affected by the Twitter API changes, there are a few things you can do to adapt to the changes.

  1. Know and understand the new Twitter API using the documentation available on the Twitter Developer Platform.
  2. Consider utilizing workarounds or alternative solutions earlier discussed to the Twitter API. Numerous third-party services offer access to Twitter data.
  3. Stay up-to-date with the latest developments concerning the Twitter API on @TwitterDev.


The changes to the Twitter API have significantly impacted developers and third-party applications. The long-term effects are unclear but could change how developers work with Twitter data.

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