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Jun 8, 2023

Current Events: Consumer Brands: Fashion, Sports, Consumables, Gaming, Arts, Governments (2023 so far)

Prominent consumer brand trends for 2023 and how brands use Web3 and blockchain technology to promote growth and success

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Are you a marketer who wants to keep ahead of the consumer brand industry? If this is the case, you should keep an eye on the newest trends and advancements impacting the environment in 2023. Innovations and technology are revolutionizing businesses, from fashion to sports, consumables to gaming, and arts to governments.

The preface of Web3 technology and blockchain, which have dramatically impacted the consumer brand business, has been one of the most significant developments in recent times. These technologies enable brands to make further secure, transparent, and decentralized ecosystems, improving their capacity to engage customers, increase supply chain efficiencies, and produce further value for stakeholders.

In this article, we'll look more closely at some of the prominent consumer brand trends for 2023 and how brands use Web3 and blockchain technology to promote growth and success. Continue reading to learn more about the fascinating new trends reshaping the market.

Web3 in Fashion

The fashion industry has witnessed significant disruption due to Web3 technology, with NFTs being a game-changer in digital fashion items. NFTs, or non-fungible tokens, are unique digital assets that cannot be replicated or duplicated. Fashion brands have leveraged NFTs to create exclusive digital items like handbags, clothing, and accessories. Some of these include top brands like:

Moreover, partnerships between fashion brands and Web3 platforms like The Sandbox and Decentraland are rising. These platforms allow users to buy, sell, and trade virtual land and objects in a blockchain-based metaverse.

Blockchain technology has also been used to create sustainable fashion initiatives by ensuring [supply chain transparency](https://www.shopify.com/ng/enterprise/supply-chain-transparency#:~:text=supply chain transparency-,Defining supply chain transparency,and external stakeholders%2C including customers.). Blockchain-based solutions enable consumers to track production, transport, and delivery of fashion items. By providing this level of transparency, fashion brands can prove their commitment to sustainability and ethical production.

Web3 in Sports

Web3 technology is transforming the sports industry by enhancing fan engagement through NFTs. Sports brands are using NFTs as collectibles and in-game items, allowing fans to own unique assets and participate in exclusive events. NBA Top Shot, a collectible NFT platform, has seen tremendous success since its launch in 2021, with over 2 million users and $1 billion in sales.

Web3 technology is also influencing sports sponsorships and advertising. Brands can leverage blockchain to create [smart contracts](https://www.ibm.com/topics/smart-contracts#:~:text=Smart contracts are simply programs,intermediary's involvement or time loss.) that ensure transparency and trust in the sponsorship process. This can help brands avoid issues related to fake sponsorships or lack of accountability.

In addition, blockchain-based sports games and competitions are becoming increasingly popular. Socios.com, a blockchain-based fan engagement platform, allows users to buy and sell fan tokens and participate in exclusive polls and competitions. Fan tokens also give fans voting rights, enabling them to have a say in club decisions.

Web3 in Consumables

The food and beverage industry has been impacted by blockchain technology by creating supply chain transparency and traceability. Blockchain-based solutions allow consumers to track the journey of food items from the farm to the table, ensuring ethical and sustainable production.

Furthermore, NFTs are used in the food and beverage industry to create exclusive collectibles and experiences. For example, Taco Bell released a collection of NFTs featuring its iconic food items, with the proceeds going to charity.

Web3 initiatives are also being developed for sustainable and ethical consumption. Brands can use blockchain-based solutions to measure the carbon footprint of their products and create carbon credits that can be traded on blockchain-based marketplaces. This can help brands offset their carbon emissions and improve their sustainability credentials.

Web3 in Gaming

Web3 technology is revolutionizing the gaming industry by creating new opportunities for players to own and trade in-game assets. NFTs are used for collectibles, skins, and other items in various games, enabling players to own unique assets and participate in exclusive events.

Moreover, Web3 gaming is developing new ways to play and interact with games. Blockchain-based games like Axie Infinity allow players to earn rewards and cryptocurrencies by playing games, creating a new work-play paradigm.

The intersection of Web3 and esports is also gaining momentum. Blockchain-based platforms like Theta Network and Enjin enable fans to own and trade esports items and participate in exclusive events.

Web3 in Arts

Web3 technology is disrupting the traditional art world by creating new ways for artists to sell and monetize their work. Blockchain-based platforms like SuperRare and Nifty Gateway allow artists to create and sell NFTs of their digital art pieces, providing a new revenue stream for creators.

Additionally, Web3 technology creates new ways for art collectors to own and trade artworks. Platforms like Async Art enable collectors to own a piece of artwork, allowing them to participate in the creative process and change the artwork's composition over time.

Web3 in Governments

Blockchain technology is also being used to enhance government services and operations. For example, blockchain-based voting systems can ensure secure and transparent voting processes, while blockchain-based identity verification can reduce identity fraud.

Governments are also exploring the potential of Web3 initiatives for citizen engagement and participation. For example, the blockchain-based platform, Democracy Earth, allows citizens to vote and make decisions directly on policy issues, bypassing traditional government structures.

NFTs enter the public sector as governments look into them for government-owned assets such as real estate, fine art, and other valuables.


Fashion, sports, consumer goods, gaming, the arts, and the government sector are all being disrupted by Web3 technology. Marketers can capitalize on these improvements by remaining current with these trends to develop unique tactics and stay ahead of the competition.

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