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Jul 13, 2023

Best Twitter Analytics Tools For Businesses In 2023

Optimize your social media strategy with these Twitter analytics tools for businesses. Read this blog to learn more!

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Best Twitter Analytics Tools For Businesses In 2023

As a digital marketer, you must know how Twitter helps businesses meet their goals. It is a powerful way to build brand awareness, reach new audiences, and start conversations.

Twitter analytics tools help you optimize your social media schedules. You can measure reach and engagement. You can gain insights for better decisions.

This is also helpful for enterprises in the Web3 space. Many crypto and NFT influencers have thousands of Twitter followers. Creators announce new ventures and discuss existing projects.

Here is an overview of the top Twitter analytics tools to track and enhance your social media strategy.


Why Use Twitter Analytics Tools?

We have briefly mentioned why Twitter tools are essential. Here is a closer look.

  • You can check follower growth, engagement rates, and tweet reach. This helps you fine-tune your social media strategy.
  • Social media analytics provide information about your audience. For example, demographic details such as age, gender, and location. This helps personalize content.
  • You can monitor the competition with Twitter tools. With these Twitter insights, you can differentiate your offering.
  • Twitter analytics tools track trending topics and hashtags. Businesses can stay informed about relevant, real-time conversations.
  • If you already advertise on Twitter, analytics tools can measure impressions, clicks, and conversions.

 Top Twitter Analytics Tools for Businesses




Blaze is a community growth and marketing automation tool for Web3 projects to connect Discord, Twitter, and on-chain data seamlessly.

With Blaze, you can easily manage your Twitter content calendar. It offers posting and scheduling functionality. You can also send tweets in bulk. What's more, Blaze lets you create AI-generated tweets based on templates.

With Twitter analytics from Blaze, you can gain insights into follower growth and engagement. You can also analyze campaigns to understand which ones are working and need to be tweaked.



With Brandwatch, you can track and analyze relevant Twitter conversations. Other features give you insights into topic analysis, demographics, and user sentiments.

These metrics can be benchmarks against acceptable standards. Brandwatch also allows you to create categories against data sets. You can streamline workflows and create dashboards to track the results.

You can also analyze competitors’ accounts. And monitor data in real-time to be on guard against sudden spikes.


Social Pilot

Social Pilot lets you schedule and publish posts on Twitter and other social media platforms. Posts can be customized with visual media.

A social calendar gives you a monthly, weekly, and daily overview of social media activity. You can download the analysis you need to engineer your strategy in the form of charts and graphs.

A collaborative feature lets you invite team members to work together by assigning roles and highlighting priorities. This streamlines your social media workflow.

Sprout Social


Sprout Social is another comprehensive social media analytics platform for uncovering trends and insights.  

The Twitter tool allows you to manage multiple accounts. You can download reports dealing with follower count, impressions, keyword usage, and more.

You can also track mentions, DMs, replies, and more in a centralized hub. And set up keyword searches to discover engagement opportunities.




Hootsuite is a widely-known social media planning platform. It serves those with multiple accounts who need scheduling and analysis at scale.

You can schedule batches of tweets to be published throughout the day or week. Hootsuite's Twitter analytics lets you monitor customer conversations, connect teams, and grow followers.

Hootsuite lets you focus on relevant customer, competitor, and industry conversations. You can select metrics and track progress through detailed reports.

Also read, Top 10 Twitter Automation Tools To Boost Engagement And Productivity

Summing Up


As you have seen, several analytics tools can improve Twitter's performance for businesses. To choose the right one, you need to weigh the pros and cons of each. You also need to check which features you will find useful.

For example, Hootsuite suits those with a large platform. It has a long learning curve and is expensive.

On the other hand, Blaze is just right for enterprises that want to seize current growth opportunities. Be it Web3, gaming, software development, or consumer brands.

To find out more about how Twitter analytics tools can help, register with Blaze at https://dashboard.withblaze.app/signup/?&utm_source=Blogs&utm_medium=Twitter


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