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Jul 18, 2023

Behind the Blue Tick: The Changing Landscape of Twitter Verification

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Behind the Blue Tick: The Changing Landscape of Twitter Verification

Blue tick Twitter verification.

Twitter verification has long been revered as a symbol of authenticity and authority, sought after by many Twitter users. However, the verification landscape has changed dramatically in recent months.

In this article, we will explore the evolving landscape of Twitter verification, the importance of the coveted blue tick, the changes introduced by Twitter in its verification process, and the implications these changes have for users, influencers, and public figures.

What is Twitter Verification?

Twitter verification is a process through which Twitter identifies and confirms the legitimacy of public-interest accounts. Verified accounts are granted a blue tick next to their username, indicating to other users that the account is genuine.

Originally introduced in 2009, the blue checkmark aimed to combat the proliferation of imposter accounts. Twitter experienced rapid growth at the time, creating numerous fake accounts impersonating celebrities, politicians, and other public figures. The blue checkmark emerged to help users differentiate between real and fake accounts.

In April 2023, Elon Musk, Twitter's Chief Executive, announced the elimination of free verification for Twitter accounts. In its place, a paid subscription starting at $8/month or $84/year named Twitter Blue was introduced. Under this new system, users who subscribe to Twitter Blue gain eligibility to apply for verification, regardless of whether they fulfill the traditional criteria of being "notable" or "active."

The blue tick has evolved over the years to become a symbol of status and authority on Twitter. Verified accounts often receive more attention and engagement than non-verified counterparts, providing a notable advantage for influencers and public figures seeking to reach a wider audience.

Why is Twitter Verification Important?

Twitter verification holds several key advantages for users, influencers, and public figures alike:

  1. Authenticity: The blue tick enables users to authenticate the genuineness of an account, ensuring interactions with the actual person or organization behind it.
  2. Authority: The blue tick grants additional authority to an account, which is particularly beneficial for influencers and public figures aiming to establish expertise in their respective fields.
  3. Reach: Verified accounts tend to attract more attention and engagement, offering a significant advantage to influencers and public figures striving to broaden their audience.
  4. Branding: The blue tick can be employed as a branding tool, indicating the legitimacy of a business entity, for instance.

Eligibility Criteria for the Blue Tick

Under the revamped system, only Twitter accounts actively subscribed to Twitter Blue are eligible for the blue tick. To maintain platform integrity, Twitter has established specific criteria that accounts must meet to receive or retain verification:

  1. Completion: An account must have a display name and profile photo.
  2. Active Use: The account must demonstrate activity within the past 30 days, coinciding with the subscription to Twitter Blue.
  3. Security: The account must be at least 30 days old upon subscription and possess a confirmed phone number.
  4. Non-Deceptive: The account should not have recently modified its profile photo, display name, or username (@handle). It should also exhibit no signs of deception and manipulation or spam engagement.

After the Twitter team reviews the Twitter Blue subscribed account, the blue tick will be granted, ensuring compliance with the requirements.

Consequently, Twitter will no longer accept applications for blue verification checkmarks based on the previous criteria of being active, notable, and authentic.

Reactions to the Changes on Twitter

The changes to Twitter verification have elicited mixed reactions from users and stakeholders. Some perceive the introduction of paid verification as a way for Twitter to capitalize on users' aspirations for status, while others argue that it is a necessary measure to safeguard the legitimacy of the blue checkmark.

A report by Matt Binder of Mashable reveals that over half of the initial Twitter Blue subscribers have yet to be subscribed. Among the 150,000 users who signed up when Elon Musk's Twitter Blue was launched in November, 54% have since unsubscribed.

Additionally, Dr Jacquelyn Gill, an academic, expressed concerns about the decline in engagement with her tweets following the introduction of paid blue checks, stating that she worried more about losing her built audience over the past 12 years than losing the blue tick.

These are just a few of the reactions. Twitter has defended the changes, asserting their necessity in preserving the meaningfulness and value of the blue checkmark. The company has also continuously emphasized its commitment to reviewing and updating verification criteria.

Implications of the Recent Changes

The recent shifts in Twitter verification hold several implications for users, influencers, and public figures.

  1. For users, the changes mean anyone subscribed to Twitter Blue can apply for verification, regardless of meeting traditional criteria. This could result in a surge of verified accounts, making it more challenging for users to differentiate between real and fake accounts.
  2. The alterations may give influencers an advantage, as subscribing to Twitter Blue increases their likelihood of being verified. This can aid them in reaching a wider audience and building their brands.
  3. The changes also benefit public figures, increasing their chances of verification upon subscribing to Twitter Blue. This can facilitate broader audience reach and brand establishment. However, some public figures express concerns that the changes could diminish the perceived value of the blue checkmark. If every Twitter Blue subscriber becomes eligible for verification, the blue checkmark may lose its status as a symbol of authenticity and authority.

How to Get Verified on Twitter

If you want to get verified on Twitter, here are the steps and tips to get your blue tick.

  1. Sign up for Twitter Blue: To be eligible for verification, you must first subscribe to Twitter Blue. Ensure your account is active, honest, and adheres to the platform's eligibility criteria. On the desktop, go to twitter.com, select "More," then "Twitter Blue," and finally "Subscribe." On the mobile app, access your profile menu, choose "Twitter Blue," and proceed with the subscription.
  2. Provide Payment Information: Enter your credit card details and click "Subscribe."
  3. Wait: At this point, you've completed all the necessary steps. It's a waiting game as the Twitter team reviews your account for verification. You can check the status of your verification request in the Twitter Blue settings.

Tip: Verify your phone number in advance. Twitter may require you to verify your phone number if you still need to. Ensure you have a phone number associated with your account to facilitate verification.

Remember, obtaining Twitter verification is not guaranteed, but following these steps can increase your chances of getting that blue checkmark next to your username.

The Future of Twitter Verification

The future of Twitter verification remains uncertain, with various possibilities to consider. Personalized verification levels could be introduced, wherein different types of accounts receive other levels of verification. For instance, journalists might attain a higher level of verification than personal accounts.

Integration with other social media platforms is another potential avenue, allowing users to verify their accounts across multiple platforms through Twitter partnerships.

As the landscape of Twitter verification continues to evolve, users, influencers, and public figures will need to adapt to these changes to remain ahead of the curve.


Twitter's verification process is a multifaceted and constantly evolving one. The long-term implications of the recent changes remain to be seen. Users, influencers, and public figures must observe and adjust to these changes as they unfold. Only time will reveal the true impact of these modifications. With the latest changes on Twitter, would you like to keep ahead of the curve? Sign up with Blaze today!


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