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Jun 8, 2023

All About NFT Airdrops

Want to know how you can get free non-fungible tokens? Read this blog to learn about NFT airdrops.

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NFT Airdrops Explained: Everything You Need to Know About Free Non-Fungible Tokens

As the popularity of NFTs (Non-fungible Tokens) grows, the chase to own NFTs is real. An airdrop is a marketing strategy where cryptocurrencies or NFTs are distributed to the public or whitelisted individuals for free. So, an NFT airdrop means distributing NFTs for free to promote a collection and build a community.

Creators and NFT projects run airdrops because it is more effective to set aside a portion of the collection for promotional purposes, instead of spending on marketing and advertisement.

How NFT Airdrops are Different from Other Airdrops

If you look at the mechanism, NFT airdrops are similar to any other crypto airdrop. Creators decide if they want to do a public airdrop or an airdrop exclusively for whitelisted individuals. In either case, the goal is to create hype before the actual product launch.

However, there are different types of airdrops that we will discuss in this blog.

What are the Different Types of NFT Airdrops?

Different types of NFT airdrops serve different goals for the creators or the project running them. Let's have a look.

  • Standard airdrop - A standard airdrop allows anyone to sign up with their wallet to receive the free NFTs. However, such airdrops come with a time limit and have a fixed number of NFTs to be distributed.
  • Bounty airdrop - To participate in a bounty airdrop, users have to perform certain tasks after signing up with their wallet. This generally involves promotional work like following the project's Twitter handle or sharing a particular post.
  • Exclusive airdrop - An exclusive airdrop is reserved for certain people. This is a VIP airdrop generally reserved for early adopters and ambassadors of a project. The participation criteria may differ from project to project.
  • Raffle airdrop - Such airdrops are popular in case of a rare NFT collection with a limited supply. Certain wallet owners are whitelisted based on different criteria before getting randomly chosen for the airdrop.

How to Participate in NFT Airdrops

As mentioned earlier, the criteria to participate in an NFT airdrop may vary from project to project. However, you must have a crypto wallet to participate in an NFT airdrop. The wallet must be compatible with the blockchain and the NFT type you are eyeing. An EVM-compatible wallet does the trick most of the time, but you must do your due diligence.

You must perform the mandatory tasks listed by the project to be eligible for the airdrop. You will also need to share your public wallet address to receive the NFTs.

The best way to learn about upcoming NFT airdrops is through platforms like Twitter, Reddit and Discord. You can also use platforms like CoinMarketCap, Airdrops.io and Airdrop Alert for the same.

Here are some of the biggest NFT airdrops:

  • 5000 free NFTs by CryptoPunks
  • Rarible airdrops 75,000 tokens every week
  • 8,888 3D NFTs by PancakeSwap
  • 1,500 Bunnies airdropped by BNBBunnies

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