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Jul 24, 2023

AI Marketing Guide: The Ultimate Hack for Business Success

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AI Marketing Guide: The Ultimate Hack for Business Success

AI marketing guide

Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly changing how businesses market their products and services. From chatbots that can answer customer questions to predictive analytics that can help target ads, AI is being used to improve every aspect of the marketing funnel.

If you're a Web3 community looking to boost your marketing results, AI can help. In this guide, we'll explore the benefits of AI marketing, discuss some of the most popular use cases, and how to tailor AI adoption to your business needs.

What is AI Marketing?

AI marketing involves using AI technology to enhance marketing efforts. It includes tools that utilize customer data to deliver targeted messages at optimal times. This can range from AI-generated blog outlines to chatbots that learn from interactions. AI marketing saves time for marketers by automating data analysis and campaign development.

What are the Benefits of AI Marketing?

There are many benefits to using AI in marketing. Here are just a few:

  1. Increased Efficiency: AI automates time-consuming marketing tasks like scheduling, reporting, and campaign optimization, freeing up time for more strategic activities.
  2. Improved Targeting: AI helps you understand customer interests and demographics, allowing for more effective marketing messages, higher conversion rates, and increased sales.
  3. Personalized Experiences: AI enables the creation of tailored marketing experiences for individual customers, fostering stronger relationships and boosting customer loyalty.
  4. Better Decision-Making: AI provides valuable insights from data analysis, empowering marketers to optimize campaigns and achieve better results.
  5. Automated Tasks: AI automates repetitive marketing tasks such as lead generation, email marketing, and social media management, allowing teams to focus on strategic and creative aspects.
  6. Improved ROI: By leveraging AI insights, marketers can optimize campaigns, improve return on investment (ROI), and maximize results.

Survey Results: Current Use of AI in Marketing

A survey of 1,000 digital marketers, including freelancers, in-house marketers, and agency marketers, was conducted in the United States to gauge AI adoption in marketing.

Survey results of the current use of AI in marketing. Image Credits: Neil Patel

Among the respondents, 209 were already utilizing AI in their marketing strategies. The survey revealed varying comfort levels with AI integration:

  • Freelancers: 46.72% felt comfortable integrating AI, 27.51% were somewhat comfortable, and 25.76% were uncomfortable.
  • In-house Marketers: 39.1% felt comfortable integrating AI, 33% were somewhat comfortable, and 27.9% were uncomfortable.
  • Agency Marketers: 37% felt comfortable integrating AI, 34.75% were somewhat comfortable, and 27.59% were uncomfortable.

Overall, comfort levels were highest among freelancers, likely due to their excitement about AI's time-saving potential and fewer procedural barriers.

Use Cases for AI in Marketing

The use cases for AI in marketing are constantly evolving, but some of the most popular include the following:

1. Partial Content Creation: Only some people feel comfortable using AI to generate complete content. But with AI, you can strike a balance by using it to create partial content. This approach saves you time and effort while addressing concerns about maintaining a human touch in your content. For instance, you can use AI copywriting tools like the Ubersuggest AI writer to create sections such as Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) or paragraphs. Many digital marketers, in-house and from digital agencies, already leverage AI.\

2. Whole Content Creation: Content creation is often a significant time commitment for digital marketers. It can be daunting, from articles and blog posts to white papers and e-books. That's why AI technology comes in handy. Many marketers use AI to create whole content, saving valuable time and effort. Remember, while AI can generate content, human input is essential to make it sound more human.

3. Research Assistance: Research is another time-consuming aspect of marketing. Gathering reliable information, organizing it, and creating outlines can take hours. This is especially true for freelancers. That's why many freelance marketers rely on AI to assist with research. AI research tools like Bit.ai allow you to collect and organize data, documents, and notes in one place. You can also collaborate in real-time, regardless of your location. Additionally, tools like Semantic Scholar enable quick perusal and notification-based access to research papers based on specific keywords, authors, or subjects.

4. Outlining Support: You must structure your content effectively after choosing a topic and conducting research. In-house marketing teams and digital agencies typically have established outline processes. However, freelancers often juggle multiple clients, each with their outline requirements, making managing challenging. Freelancers can benefit from using AI to assist with outlines, saving time and effort in organizing their content. This use case ranked third among freelance marketers, following research assistance and content creation.

5. Topic Brainstorming: At the early stages of content creation, brainstorming and topic ideation are crucial. While freelancers and agency marketers often receive input from clients, in-house marketing teams usually direct the content strategy themselves. In-house marketers are more likely to utilize AI for topic creation and brainstorming since they rely on something other than external sources for topic ideas.

6. Reporting Help: Data analysis can be overwhelming, especially when dealing with a large client base. Freelancers and in-house marketers with smaller client lists or reporting suites may find this more manageable. However, agency marketers who handle numerous clients benefit greatly from AI tools that assist with reporting. This use case ranked second for agency marketers, alongside editing assistance and schema creation.

7. Editing Assistance: As a marketer, delivering accurate and readable content is crucial, especially when working on a large scale. AI tools like Grammarly and Hemingway make it easier than ever to proofread and edit thousands of words in minutes. By leveraging AI for editing assistance, marketers save valuable time and enhance the quality of their work. Agency marketers highlighted editing assistance as a top AI tool use case.

8. Schema Creation: Schema markupis vital for optimizing your digital marketing strategy and conveying specific information to search engines. While managing schema creation for a few articles per week is manageable, it becomes challenging on a larger scale. That's where AI tools come into play. Agency marketers specifically identified schema creation as another top use case for AI. By automating the process, agencies can save significant time and streamline operations.

Tailoring AI Adoption to Business Needs

Adopting AI in marketing requires tailoring it to your specific business needs. This depends on what you need and what you want to achieve.

To effectively utilize AI for your business,

  1. Understand your problems.
  2. Identify the tasks that consume most of your time.
  3. Identify the challenges in reaching your target audience.
  4. Seek AI solutions that can address these specific issues.

For example, if you struggle with content creation, try using an AI tool that writes content tailored to your audience. For social media management challenges, consider using an AI tool to automate tasks, track performance, and discover new opportunities.

Finding solutions that solve your unique problems is key to successful AI implementation. Don't adopt AI because it's popular; ensure you derive value from it.


AI is a powerful tool for enhancing marketing efforts in Web3 communities. By understanding its benefits, exploring popular use cases, and customizing AI adoption to fit specific business needs, Web3 communities can gain a competitive edge and achieve their marketing goals.

Ready to revolutionize your Web3 community marketing with AI? Sign up with Blaze. Blaze is an AI-powered growth tool that automates tasks, personalizes experiences, and measures results, helping you grow your audiences.


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