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Jul 24, 2023

AI Marketing: 8 Transformative Strategies for Savvy Marketers

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AI Marketing: 8 Transformative Strategies for Savvy Marketers

AI marketing strategies.

You must incorporate innovative AI-powered solutions into your content marketing strategy daily to stay caught up to your competitors and maintain your competitive edge. AI is now widely used in popular services like Netflix, Amazon, and Google, and it's also transforming marketing by improving customer experiences. Even small and medium-sized businesses can now afford AI tools that were once exclusive to larger companies.

By embracing AI, marketers in the web3 community can stay ahead of the game and achieve their goals more effectively. In this article, we'll discuss eight transformative strategies to provide marketers in web3 communities with in-depth insights for leveraging AI in marketing.

Transformative Strategies for Marketers to Leverage AI in Marketing

1. AI-Enhanced PPC Advertising

Regarding pay-per-click advertising, most marketers allocate their budgets to popular platforms like AdWords and Facebook. In the United States, Google dominates the digital ad market with a 40.7% share, closely followed by Facebook at 19.7%.

Typically, pay-per-click campaigns are managed by human teams, either in-house or through specialized agencies. However, here's where AI can lend you a hand: it can help you discover new advertising channels that your competitors might not utilize.

AI-powered systems can assist advertisers in testing out various ad platforms and refining their targeting strategies. Facebook, for instance, is already employing AI in optimizing ad delivery. This approach can also be extended to omnichannel PPC campaigns by leveraging third-party or in-house AI tools.

One such AI marketing platform called Albert offers autonomous media buying services.

This innovative approach requires minimal human involvement, as AI analyses, manages, and optimises your paid ad campaigns.

2. Highly Personalized Website Experience and Better CRO

While AI has yet to reach the stage of building websites from scratch, it can significantly enhance the experience of visitors to your site through intelligent personalization.

By leveraging intelligent algorithms, AI can personalize various aspects of the user experience. For example, it can analyze many data points about an individual user, including their location, demographics, device, and interactions with the website. This enables AI to display tailored offers and content that align with the user's preferences and needs.

Another area where AI can make a difference is push notifications. Through behavioral personalization, AI can deliver specific push notifications to each user, ensuring they receive the most relevant messages at the right time.

A survey conducted by Evergage in 2017 revealed that around one-third of marketers are already utilizing AI to deliver personalized web experiences. The benefits reported by respondents included increased conversion rates (63%) and improved customer experiences (61%).

The survey conducted by Evergage. Image Credits: Everage

Notable companies such as The Wall Street Journal, Pandora, La Redoute, and TopFan have embraced AI-powered approaches to enhance their conversion rates and stand out.

For instance, Pandora combines the expertise of human curators with machine learning algorithms to suggest new songs to its listeners. This human and AI capabilities integration showcases how delivering the best user experience can provide a competitive edge. Moreover, algorithms can assist in surfacing the most relevant content for individual users, particularly when dealing with vast amounts of content.

AI can also prove invaluable in identifying anomalies on your website. While monitoring analytics every second is impossible, AI tools like Hunch can fill that gap. By analyzing data from Google Analytics, Hunch, an AI-powered Slackbot, provides insightful reports on general performance and significant changes in data. This real-time information helps you ensure that your website operates smoothly and allows you to address any issues promptl

Data analytics by Hunchbot. Image Credits: Hunch

3. AI-Powered Content Creation

One area where AI holds significant promise is making content creation more efficient for marketers. According to Gartner, by 2018, machines were expected to generate 20% of all business content.

Although AI-powered content creation currently relies on rule sets and formats, it can already produce various types of content, such as profit and loss summaries, quarterly business reports, hotel descriptions, real-time stock insights, and sports game recaps.

Every piece of AI-generated content is carefully designed to read as if a human wrote it. The style and insights the content provides depend on the predefined rules and formats established by your brand to best cater to your audience.

In addition to content creation, AI-powered marketing tools like Blaze AI tweet generator can generate and post compelling social media content about any topic and tone, likely to engage your brand's followers.

4. Content-Creation Chatbots

You might not be aware, but intelligent chatbots play a significant role in customer support across various industries. Chatbots provide exceptional customer service from fashion to health to insurance and, in some cases, outperform humans in creating personalized content.

Chatbots have access to many customer-centric data points, enabling them to aggregate location-specific requests, identify patterns, and predict issues individual users face. This wealth of information often gives them an edge over human customer service representatives.

But chatbots aren't just limited to customer service interactions. Sephora's Kik bot, for example, engages users with a mini quiz about their makeup preferences. Kik opens up a personalized dialogue box with multiple customized options for those interested in learning more about a specific product.

Sephora's example demonstrates the potential of AI-powered chatbots in providing advice and assistance during the research phase, essentially giving rise to a new form of content marketing.

5. Intelligent Email Content Curation

Crafting and scheduling personalized emails to multiple customer segments can be time-consuming for your team. However, personalized content has been proven more effective than generic content, with 80% of marketers acknowledging its impact.

This is where AI comes into play. By leveraging algorithms, AI can analyze a subscriber's website interactions and email browsing data, gaining insights into their interactions with your content. With this knowledge, the algorithm can curate hyper-contextual content to create personalized emails one-on-one.

Dynamic emails can be compiled based on various factors, including previous website interactions, previously read blog articles and content, time spent on specific pages, wish lists, popular content, interests of similar visitors, and past interactions with branded emails.

Image Credit

6. Churn Prediction and Smart Customer Engagement

Machine-learning algorithms can be incredibly helpful in identifying customer segments at risk of churning or switching to a competitor.

AI-powered tools in this domain excel at gathering data, constructing predictive models, and testing and validating them using real customer data. This allows them to pinpoint the stage a customer might be inclined to churn. While it can be challenging to re-engage customers who quickly abandon a product, late-churn customers with a longstanding relationship with your brand can be incentivized to continue using your product.

For instance, Vidora offers intelligent AI-based churn prediction, which analyzes omnichannel events and detects dropping customer engagement. If the system identifies churn-indicating behaviors, such as reduced usage time, it can proactively send users relevant offers, push notifications, and emails to keep them engaged.

7. AI-Powered Customer Insights

Analyzing vast amounts of data and identifying customer behavioral patterns can be a time-intensive task for humans. However, AI can provide real-time marketing insights without breaking a sweat.

Dynamic Yield, a platform by renowned companies like Under Armour, Sephora, and Urban Outfitters, leverages advanced machine-learning algorithms to create actionable customer segments.

By analyzing billions of data points, including geo-specific events, on-site interactions, referral sources, psychographic factors, purchase behaviors, and past communication, machine-learning algorithms can:

  • Identify which customer segments should be included or excluded from campaigns.
  • Better match customers with the products they will most likely use and keep.
  • Avoid promoting limited stock to shoppers who are likely to return items.

8. Automated Image Recognition

If you've used Google Photos recently, you might have noticed how accurate its system has become at recognizing people and objects in images. The software has achieved an impressive accuracy rate of over 99%.

Leading brands like Amazon, Facebook, and Pinterest utilize AI-powered image recognition to identify individuals and objects in images and videos.

From a marketing standpoint, image recognition technology can better integrate online content and in-store visits. Many stores now employ facial recognition software to track customer visits and link them to their profiles. For example, 59% of U.K. fashion retailers have implemented facial recognition software. When combined with AI-managed push notifications, stores can send real-time discount offers and personalized welcome messages to individual visitors.

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By embracing AI technology, marketers can gain a competitive edge and achieve their goals more effectively. Blaze combines AI tweet generation and a template library with an AI support Discord bot, empowering marketers to create engaging tweets and effortlessly receive real-time assistance and guidance.

If you want to stay ahead in the marketing field, it's important to explore the potential of AI today. Sign up with Blaze to enhance your marketing campaigns with AI.


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