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Jul 18, 2023

7 Strategies to Boost User Engagement in Web3 CRM Platforms

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7 Strategies to Boost User Engagement in Web3 CRM Platforms

How to boost user engagement

Onboarding Web2 users to Web3 is tough. Retaining existing users is tougher. Thanks to increasing scams and legal challenges, Web3 is no longer a get-rich-overnight scheme. Thus, increasing user engagement for your Web3 brand is set to get more challenging. If you are a Web3 brand manager struggling to keep the users hooked, it is about time you start using Web3 CRM (customer relationship management) platforms.

In this blog post, we will explore key strategies for increasing user engagement in Web3 CRM platforms, from understanding the fundamentals to leveraging gamification techniques and building vibrant communities.

Understanding the fundamentals of user engagement in Web3 CRM platforms

User engagement means the extent of interaction of users with a particular CRM platform. Web3 community building is always a bi-directional process so user engagement may include actions such as active usage, content creation, social interactions, and contributions to the platform. You need to analyze user engagement to devise better user engagement strategies.

Importance of user engagement for Web3 CRM platforms

Now, why is user engagement so important? Well, user engagement is a reflection of your community-building efforts. It helps you ascertain if your target audience resonates with your content. In Web3, your community members are your biggest ambassadors To build a loyal community base, you need to bring value to the table every day. An active and loyal fan base ultimately contributes to the success of a project.

Analyzing user behavior and identifying engagement metrics

Increasing user engagement is critical to the success of your Web3 project but it is easier said than done. How do you know if your target audience resonates with your community-building efforts? The answer to this question lies in user behavior analysis. User behavior is nothing but the activity in response to a post or message pushed out by you. It helps you understand what type of strategies are better suited to attract your target audience.

Here are a few metrics you need to measure to analyze user behavior:

  • Total number of active users at a particular time (ideally peak hours)
  • Total time spent on the CRM platform
  • User-generated content
  • Social interactions, i.e. likes, comments, and reposts

Enhancing user onboarding experiences in Web3 CRM platforms

Once you have data from user behavior analysis and you know about the hits and misses, it's time to embrace a data-driven approach and enhance user onboarding experiences to streamline the entire process. As they say, 'the first impression is the last impression'. You must ensure that the user onboarding process is as smooth as it can get to avoid any friction leading to a poor experience. Further, you can incentivize or reward user contributions to encourage participation and benefit from user-generated content in Web3.

Gamification techniques to drive user engagement in Web3 CRM platforms

There's enough data to prove that gamification enhances content consumption and adoption rate. It also plays a game-changing role in habit forming, which leads to active community participation.

According to a study, businesses that use gamification are seven times more profitable. 72% of people say gamification motivates them to do tasks. Thus, gamification in CRM is critical to boost user engagement and ensure active participation.

Leveraging personalized content and notifications

Personalized Content Stats | Source

Personalization is key to capturing users' attention and fostering engagement. Once you are done with user data analysis, you can leverage personalized content in Web3 to deliver what users want. Personalization helps you deliver value and avoid spamming to enhance user engagement significantly. It also makes users feel valued. You can do frequent user behavior analysis to see what's working and what's not.

Building and nurturing a vibrant Web3 community around CRM platforms

Engagement is at the core of building a vibrant Web3 community. Maintain a solid online presence across Twitter, Reddit, Medium, and Discord. Encourage social collaboration in Web3, organized AMAs (Ask Me Anything), Twitter Spaces, and physical and virtual community events, and respond to community feedback to maintain seamless communication with your community.

Integrating social features and collaboration tools for increased engagement

Integrating social features and collaboration tools within the CRM platform can amplify user engagement. Enable users to connect and interact with each other, create groups or communities, and share content. Create community polls on CRM for valuable feedback and decentralized opinion-making.

Encouraging user-generated content and contributions

In Web3, the community is the king. User-generated content is the highest degree of user engagement and community participation. Encourage users to create content in various forms, i.e. testimonials, memes, blog posts, videos, etc. Reward them with moderator tools. Organize events and competitions to reward the best performers. That's the secret sauce to building a vibrant Web3 community.


Community building is one of the biggest goals of Web3 community managers. However, Web3 marketing is very different from traditional digital marketing. Thus, you must understand user behavior and devise your strategies accordingly to maximize engagement on Web3 CRM platforms. Prioritize user-generated content to make your audience feel important. Maintain active presence across all the major platforms. Sounds intimidating? Register on Blaze to automate your community management efforts and grow your audience organically.


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