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Sep 12, 2023

10 Must-Have Web3 Marketing Tools

These Web3 marketing tools will help you identify trends, target and reach specific audiences, and boost your marketing.

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The emergence of Web3 businesses has brought along a paradigm shift to digital marketing. Unlike traditional marketing, marketing a Web3 project is more community-centric, with transparency being a prerequisite. Thankfully, there are several marketing tools that you can leverage to promote your project effectively.

Web3 marketing operates in a decentralized landscape, with cryptocurrencies and DApps at the core. To help you navigate this unique terrain successfully, we have curated a list of ten must-have Web3 marketing tools.

Web3 Analytics: Tracking and Monitoring

Tracking and monitoring your marketing efforts and their outcome is a must to maximize the ROI.

Tool 1: DappRadar

Image showing the DappRadar tool
DappRadar can track usage volumes of various DApps | Source: https://dappradar.com/rankings/defi

DappRadar is a Dapp analytics platform that helps you access valuable insights into the usage, user base, and transaction volumes of various DApps. This data can help identify trends, target specific audiences, and optimize your campaigns.

Tool 2: Etherscan

Image showing the homepage of Etherscan explorer tool
Use Ethercsan to effortlessly track the Ethereum network | Source

Etherscan is a blockchain explorer built for tracking the Ethereum network, one of the biggest networks in the crypto market. Using Etherscan, you search through transactions, blocks, wallet addresses, smart contracts, and other on-chain data to get a deeper understanding of your interaction with the blockchain, other wallets, and DApps.

Community Building and Engagement

The community is at the heart of any prospering Web3 business, and building a solid community should be integral to your Web3 marketing efforts.

Tool 3: Peepeth

Image showing the logo of Peepeth
Boost brand presence on the social network with the Peepeth tool | Source

Peepeth is Twitter's alternative for Web3 marketers seeking to build a solid brand presence on the social network. Powered by Ethereum, Peepeth is a decentralized social network that completely aligns with the principles of DeFi. You get an audience interested in talking about Web3 projects, thus, building a community is easier.

Tool 4: Collab.Land

Landing page of collab.land
Landing page of Collab.land | Source

Collab.Land is a widely accepted community management tool that curates token-based memberships, allowing marketers to create token-based access to exclusive content or events, incentivizing user engagement, and fostering a sense of belonging within the community. You can use the tool to create communities on 24 different L1 and L2s using fungible tokens and NFTs.

Content Creation and Distribution

Irrespective of the type of marketing, content is the king. You must not only create valuable content that resonates with your audience but also ensure seamless distribution to maximize impact.

Tool 5: Steemit

Landing page of Steemit
Landing page of Steemit | Source

Steemit is a borderless, blockchain-based blogging and social media website that rewards content creators with cryptocurrencies based on user engagement. It empowers marketers to encourage maximum participation and engagement and benefit from user-generated content.

Tool 6 - Attrace

Landing page of Attrace
Attrace's landing page | Source

Attrace is a leading content creation and distribution tool that leverages blockchain to connect merchants directly with publishers, eliminating the need for intermediaries. It allows marketers to unlock the value of ‘word of mouth’ in Web3. The tool brings in real-time referral tracking and enhanced fraud prevention to reduce costs and foster stronger community relationships.

Paid Advertising in the Crypto Space

Paid advertising complements organic marketing and there are several powerful marketing tools to help you do that.

Tool 7 - Coinzilla

Coinzilla Website | Source

Coinzilla is undoubtedly the leading crypto advertising network that connects marketers with cryptocurrency-focused publishers, ensuring their ads reach the right audience. They have worked with leading crypto businesses, including CoinStats and CoinGecko, and have successfully delivered 16,000+ successful campaigns. Moreover, you can  customize your budgets and ads as well.

Tool 8 - TokenMetrics

Landing page of Token Metrics | Source

TokeMetrics is a widely used token-based sponsorship platform that allows you to elevate your brand by collaborating with influencers or content creators in the Web3 space. This involves promoting your Web3 project in popular podcasts, YouTube channels, and blogs.

Public Relations and Influencer Outreach

Tool 9 - GlobeNewswire

Crypto PR distribution networks like GlobalNewswire help you disseminate important news and updates within the crypto community. These facilitate the effective delivery of critical developments and announcements through crypto-focused media outlets and influencers.

Tool 10 - Platforms for Crypto Influencer Collaborations

The role of influencers in promoting your Web3 brand can never be undermined. There are several leading influencer collaboration tools like Coinband and FINPR, that help you identify and collaborate with crypto influencers, facilitating authentic and effective outreach to the target audience.

The Need for Integration: Combining Web3 with Traditional Marketing Tools

While Web3 marketing tools are essential in this decentralized landscape, it is crucial not to neglect traditional marketing strategies entirely. Balancing decentralized and centralized approaches is key to achieving marketing success in the Web3 era. Synergy can only be achieved by using both traditional and Web3-centric tools.


Leveraging Web3 marketing tools specially designed to suit the decentralized landscape is not just an option but a necessity. Understanding the unique nature of Web3 marketing, engaging with the community, creating and distributing content, and utilizing paid advertising, PR, and influencers are vital for a successful Web3 marketing strategy.

You can leverage Blaze's social & community management tools to market your Web3 project effectively.


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