Fuel agency growth with Blaze

Top agencies use Blaze to acquire new clients and to supercharge their suite of offerings with our social growth and community management tools

Find qualified leads from Twitter

Create unique lists of prospective partners or customers (founders, and business owners) through social signals such as who mentions certain keywords in their profiles or posts or have tweeted about certain topics

Find qualified leads from Twitter

Create unique lists of prospective partners or customers (founders, and business owners) through social signals such as who mentions certain keywords in their profiles or posts or have tweeted about certain topics

Add Blaze features to your suite of offerings

Extend your solutions with powerful automations, AI workflows and analytics - Automatic DMs, AI content generation, Social listening and prospecting, and a lot more

Add Blaze features to your suite of offerings

Extend your solutions with powerful automations, AI workflows and analytics - Automatic DMs, AI content generation, Social listening and prospecting, and a lot more

Manage social & community for clients in one place

Execute social and community management strategies across clients, in one dashboard - content calendar, outreach automations, performance analysis, and more

Manage social & community for clients in one place

Execute social and community management strategies across clients, in one dashboard - content calendar, outreach automations, performance analysis, and more